I am Mohamed

Name: Mohamed Ouaammou

Profile: web developer and C programmer

Phone: 0696233240


HTML 85%
CSS3 75%
C prgramming 50%
Shell script 95%
About me

I am a highly skilled software developer specializing in C programming, shell scripting, and Linux systems. With over a decade of experience in the field, I have a deep understanding of these technologies and is recognized as an expert in my field. I earned my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and has since worked on numerous software development projects, honing my skills in C programming, shell scripting, and Linux systems. I have a track record of delivering high-quality code that is efficient, reliable, and scalable.

In addition to my technical skills, i am an excellent communicator and a team player. I enjoys collaborating with others and is always willing to share my knowledge and expertise. I am passionate about learning and staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of software development.


42 projects network


The aim of this project is to code a C library regrouping usual functions that you'll be allowed to use in all your other projects. TLDR: this project consists of coding basic C functions (see below), which are then compiled into a library for use in other projects of the cursus.

C programming / 18 Sep. 2022

Get next line

The objective of this project is to write a function that retrieves a line from a file descriptor and adds a newline character at the end. The task involves creating a function that reads a text file and returns one line at a time.

C programming / 18 Sep. 2022

So long

The goal of this project is to provide an opportunity for you to practice working with textures, sprites, and fundamental gameplay elements in a compact 2D game. However, to create a compelling game, high-quality assets are necessary. This means you'll need to seek out tiles, tilesets, sprites, and sprite sheets if you intend to develop 2D games. Born to be root

C programming / 18 Sep. 2022


The goal of this project is to re-implement the printf function, which involves using variadic arguments. This task is intended to help you develop a deeper understanding of this feature, and you will be able to use your implementation in future projects without worrying about plagiarism. Specifically, you will be coding a library that contains a simplified version of printf

C programming / 18 Sep. 2022


The objective of this project is to initiate you into the vast realm of virtualization. Virtualization is a technology that allows the creation of a simulated version of a computer system or operating system, enabling users to operate multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine. Virtualization has revolutionized the IT industry by enhancing efficiency, reducing hardware and maintenance costs, and optimizing resource utilization. By learning about virtualization, you will acquire a deeper understanding of how it works, its applications, and its benefits.

C programming / 18 Sep. 2022


The UNIX operating system has been a cornerstone of computer science for decades, offering a powerful and versatile platform for software development and system administration. As a programmer or system administrator, you may already be familiar with many of the mechanisms that UNIX provides for managing processes, files, and system resources. However, even the most experienced UNIX users can benefit from exploring these mechanisms in greater detail, gaining a deeper understanding of how they work and how they can be used to optimize performance and ensure system stability. This is where the project at hand comes in, offering an opportunity to dive into a specific UNIX mechanism and explore its inner workings

C programming / 2022